MEMS - Membership & Event Management System
Membership & Event Management System is a
web based System which track the membership and event for
organizations to manage their members, sponsors and events.
This system tracks the members who can be Individuals or
Corporations. The membership dues, their payment schedules
can be tracked. This application can be hosted as
information services instance (software as a service) or can
be installed on a clients server, with ability to send
volume email notification about the events to all the
members of the organization and get their responses online,
once the event happens the system has the ability to track
the feedback in the form of a survey, web page that asks
questions and collects the responses, the system can setup a
survey forms by developing customized questions either
direct response based or multiple choice options. The
responses can then be analyzed for event evaluation.
Multiple Reports show how many events are scheduled for a
given duration, the number of people who attended these
events. Amount collected from each event, aggregate amounts
for each of the events. Administration of users, Security is
also implemented.